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Elevating the Client Experience: Behind the Scenes of number8’s Unique Onboarding Process

In the fast-paced world of software development, finding the perfect fit for your team can be a daunting task. From technical qualifications to cultural alignment, the challenges are vast, especially when navigating the complexities of staff augmentation and IT outsourcing. At number8, we’ve mastered the art of not only delivering top-notch developers but seamlessly integrating […]

Alignment and Variance are Critical for Nearshoring in 2024

The talent shortage doesn’t seem to be going away anytime soon. “54% of global IT organizations reported that talent shortage was holding them back.” On December 22, 2023, Forbes reported, “More companies are embracing on-demand talent.” In fact, “90% of business leaders view (on-demand talent) as somewhat or very important to their competitive advantage.” As […]

Team Member Spotlight: Meet Mauricio — Consultant Operations Master

At number8, we cherish the wealth of skills and diverse experiences each team member brings to the table. Today, we are delighted to shine a spotlight on Mauricio Morales, our Consultant Operations Manager master. Getting to Know Mauricio: When did you start working for number8?I joined number8 in November 2009. What do you do at […]

Addressing the Software Development Talent Shortage

In the ever-evolving landscape of software development, the quest for top-tier talent has become both a challenge and a strategic necessity. As we navigate the intricacies of 2023, software development talent shortages persist despite a semblance of stability in labor markets. This era demands leaders to transcend the aftermath of what was coined as The […]

Team Member Spotlight Series: Meet Andrés —Innovation Maestro

At number8, our strength lies in the unique talents and diverse experiences of our team members. We’re excited to continue our Team Member Spotlight Series by introducing you to Andrés Meza — our innovation maestro and Technology Manager extraordinaire. Getting to Know Andrés: When did you start working for number8?I embarked on my journey with […]

The Agile Development Framework’s Advantage: Top 5 Benefits for Businesses

Welcome back to our Agile Framework Series, where we uncover the transformative power of Agile software development. In our previous posts, we delved deep into the core principles of Agile and how collaboration empowers our clients. Now, it’s time to shift our focus to what truly matters—how Agile can elevate your business. At number8, we’ve […]

How Agile Software Development & Collaboration Empowers Our Clients

At Number8, we don’t just build software; we empower our clients to transform their vision into reality. We’re not your average development partner. We’re thought leaders in the realm of Agile software development, where empowerment isn’t just a buzzword but the very essence of our mission. In this blog, we invite you to delve deeper […]

POV: Why Agile Software Development Matters to Us and Our Clients

In the fast-paced world of software development, agility is the name of the game. At number8, we understand that being agile is not just a methodology; it’s a commitment to delivering excellence to our clients. In this blog post, we’ll explore why agile software development matters to us and how it benefits both our team […]

number8 is Proud to Announce a Rebrand

number8 has rebranded! What does that mean to you? Well, it means that we can now offer you The Americas’ Best Software Development Consultants–both on a permanent and/or contract basis. With developers in Costa Rica, Honduras, Buenos Aires and Sao Paulo, we remain in the Americas’ time zones–and in lock step with our clients and their hours of operation. We consistently hear […]

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