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Cloud Migration Planning Guide: 10 Things to Consider

Cloud computing has fostered business growth and agility in today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape. With more than 90% of organizations already using cloud services and business spending on cloud surpassing $1 million annually for over 80% of these businesses, the shift towards cloud environments is unmistakable. This guide provides the essential considerations any organization must […]

(eBook) When Agile Methodologies Meet Near-Shore Development

Our exclusive eBook, “When Agile Methodologies Meet Near-Shore Development,” is a comprehensive guide offering valuable insights, practical frameworks, and inspiring success stories to help you optimize your software development processes, reduce time-to-market, and drive business growth. Inside this eBook, you’ll discover: – The strategic advantages of agile methodologies – The benefits of nearshore development for […]

Leveraging Talent & the Power Behind Remote Distributed Teams

In response to the evolving needs of modern software development, organizations are leveraging the power of remote distributed teams as a strategic approach to drive efficiency, collaboration, and innovation in their projects — ultimately accelerating their time to money and time to market. Remote distributed teams, also known as virtual teams or geographically dispersed teams, […]

Alignment and Variance are Critical for Nearshoring in 2024

The talent shortage doesn’t seem to be going away anytime soon. “54% of global IT organizations reported that talent shortage was holding them back.” On December 22, 2023, Forbes reported, “More companies are embracing on-demand talent.” In fact, “90% of business leaders view (on-demand talent) as somewhat or very important to their competitive advantage.” As […]

Addressing the Software Development Talent Shortage

In the ever-evolving landscape of software development, the quest for top-tier talent has become both a challenge and a strategic necessity. As we navigate the intricacies of 2023, software development talent shortages persist despite a semblance of stability in labor markets. This era demands leaders to transcend the aftermath of what was coined as The […]

Maximizing Collaboration and Efficiency With AI and Nearshore Outsourcing

Nearshore outsourcing, commonly known as nearshoring, is when an organization works with remote developers located in a country that is in close proximity to their organization. Nearshoring is a business strategy that has gained significant traction in recent years. Paired with the advancements in artificial intelligence (AI), nearshore outsourcing has become a powerful tool for […]

Top Outsourcing Models and How to Pick the Best for Your Company

Summary: Outsourcing software development is a smart choice, but choosing the right outsourcing model is critical for success. Learn more about the top outsourcing models and how to make the right choice for your organization. Benefits of Outsourcing For Your Business Outsourcing software development is a business trend that continues to grow. Full-time employees are expensive […]

Staff Augmentation: An IT Outsourcing Solution for Enterprise Companies

Summary: Most enterprise-sized companies are outsourcing, but many have never considered a staff augmentation model. Learn how staff augmentation can help supplement existing teams and provide you with exceptional on-demand talent. Building a staff of talented IT professionals is not a short-term process. From hiring to onboarding to getting a new developer up-to-speed, managing an […]

5 Reasons Hiring Remote Workers Helps Businesses Grow

A growing business is definitely something to celebrate, but it’s not always something that’s as easy to maintain. Plus, finding enough software development talent to keep momentum and support innovation is becoming increasingly difficult. Add in the fact that the shortage of software engineers in the United States isn’t just about a lack of quantity, […]

The Predictive Index Helps You Hire The Best Developers For Your Teams

Looking for the perfect developer for your development teams? Learn why using The Predictive Index can help ensure you hire the right team member. There are a variety of reasons US companies struggle to find great development talent. There are the traditional hardships of finding qualified candidates and budgetary concerns, and now much of the […]

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