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(eBook) When Agile Methodologies Meet Near-Shore Development

Our exclusive eBook, “When Agile Methodologies Meet Near-Shore Development,” is a comprehensive guide offering valuable insights, practical frameworks, and inspiring success stories to help you optimize your software development processes, reduce time-to-market, and drive business growth. Inside this eBook, you’ll discover: – The strategic advantages of agile methodologies – The benefits of nearshore development for […]

Learn more about number8

nYou’ve got questions, and we’ve got answers! Read on to learn more about number8. Are you Hiring? We are always on the lookout for talented IT professionals seeking information technology jobs. So if you do not see a current job opening that matches your skills and interests, please feel free to contact us and send […]

Software Developers are Embracing Flexibility and Hybrid Work

“The world has made the decision to go hybrid and remote, I have a lot of confidence given the data I have seen that that is a one-way train that has left the station…” -Prashanth Chandrasekar, CEO of Stack Overflow The COVID-19 pandemic transformed not only the way that we work but the places we […]

Why Nearshore?

Nearshore software development is a concept that is still new to many. Two years ago, I was working in television and had never heard of nearshore myself. Today, I’m a huge fan of nearshoring, and I will tell you why. If you are not familiar, nearshoring is the process of outsourcing work to developers located […]

Finding the best offshore software developers in 2021

It’s no secret within the U.S. technology sector that Latin America is the go-to place for finding software development and programming talent, particularly for U.S.-based companies. Demand for skilled developers is incredibly high; and available supply of qualified technology professionals and new talent simply cannot keep pace. This is particularly true in the United States, […]

Silicon Valley or Latin America?

Solving the challenge of hiring remote programmers  The worldwide tech sector, and emerging technology in particular, is flourishing and expanding exponentially. In the United States specifically, the domestic tech sector has seen unprecedented growth in recent years, including pre-pandemic double-digit growth among four of its most productive firms. This reality equates to a great deal […]

Why the Tech Talent You Need Doesn’t Need to be Local

Is your IT company on the lookout for new tech talent? Are you wondering if there are better, and more efficient, ways to select great staff other than looking for local tech talent? If you have answered “yes” to both these questions, then you have come to the right place. In this article, we will […]

How To Find a Staff Augmentation Partner

It’s said that for the average corporate position, over 250 people apply. Of course, this number is skewed by location, the economy, and the position itself. That means some jobs attract over a thousand resumes! What does that mean for you? As an employer, it means that finding staff is a massive challenge. Depending on the […]

6 Common Staff Augmentation Mistakes

Staff augmentation has the potential to save time and resources when a company is in temporary need of more workers. However, it must be done right because staff augmentation mistakes have the potential to interfere in the company hierarchy and waste more resources than it saves. Staff Augmentation Mistakes Staff augmentation is a fantastic way […]

Top Outsourcing Models and How to Pick the Best for Your Company

Summary: Outsourcing software development is a smart choice, but choosing the right outsourcing model is critical for success. Learn more about the top outsourcing models and how to make the right choice for your organization. Benefits of Outsourcing For Your Business Outsourcing software development is a business trend that continues to grow. Full-time employees are expensive […]

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