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Team Member Spotlight: Meet Juan Rivas — Account Manager

Number8 Team Member Spotlight: Juan Rivas - Account Manager

Join us in celebrating Juan Rivas, an outstanding Account Manager at number8, who has been instrumental in strengthening client relationships and driving project success. With a proactive approach and a knack for problem-solving, Juan’s contributions are invaluable to our team and clients.

Since joining number8 in November 2021, Juan has focused on preventing issues before they arise, ensuring smooth operations and delivering exceptional value. His background in sales analysis and supervision has equipped him with the skills necessary to excel in his current role, making a significant impact on our team’s performance.

Juan’s dedication to continuous learning and professional growth is evident in his work. His colleagues describe him as an avid learner, a self-proclaimed “geek,” and an instinctive problem solver. Known for his confidence and professionalism, Juan effectively manages client relationships, even challenging them when necessary to ensure the best outcomes.

Thank you, Juan, for being a driving force behind our success and embodying the spirit of number8 in everything you do.

Getting to Know Juan:

When did you start working for number8?
November 2021!

What do you do at number8?
I work as an account manager at number8. In essence, I focus on strengthening relationships with our clients by understanding them and providing preventive solutions to potential problems. Rather than putting out fires, we focus on preventing fires from starting. In other words, I am an active listener, an assertive communicator, and an action taker. I aim to make things go smoothly and without bumps for our clients, delivering value and results by maximizing our clients’ time.

Have you had other jobs within the industry?
Yes, I worked as a sales analyst and sales supervisor in the retail industry for 3 years before number8. 

What is your latest accomplishment or proudest moment at number8?
My proudest moment came a few months ago when I was asked to create an internal report so that management could see the team’s results. It was great to understand management’s expectations through what they were looking for in the data, and I felt honored by their trust in me.

What is the most exciting project that you’ve ever been involved with in your job?
The most exciting project I’ve been involved with was this year’s retreat in Honduras to refine internal processes to be more efficient. It was thrilling to hear different perspectives and participate in the process. 

What do you like most about your job?
I enjoy the challenges that come daily. Sometimes, it can feel like playing a video game in legendary mode. I like how dynamic the role is and how I can learn from everyone I interact with, internally and externally. I also enjoy working with people; which is surprising how connected we can be even remotely.

What do you like most about number8?
I really love the people focus of the company; it has been immensely gratifying to be a part of number8 for the past 2 and a half years.

What 3 words would you use to describe what you do?
Listen, communicate, act

What 3 words would you use to describe you?
Upbeat. Focused. Dependable 

What is your favorite thing to do outside of work?
I love walking in parks or hiking; if I can, I also enjoy traveling and learning about other cultures by walking around cities. 

What is something about you that people (usually) do not know?
I like birdwatching.

Juan’s journey is a testament to number8’s dedication to empowering its team members and fostering a culture of innovation, collaboration, and excellence. Stay tuned for more inspiring stories featuring our exceptional team members!

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