There are always new and different ways of software development. To stay relevant and efficient, it’s important for software developers to be informed about all the different varieties. The Agile Method of software development is widely accepted across teams. However, there are different processes within the Agile Method that are more or less appropriate for different projects. Below we break down the main differences between two popular forms of Agile: Kanban versus Scrum.
The basis of agile software development is that it can adapt over the course of a project. Instead of in-depth planning at the beginning of a project, agile methodologies allow for feedback and change. There are 12 core principles of the Agile Method that reiterate the idea of flexibility including:
The main focus of agile is to produce a well-functioning product. So, in order to get there, companies enforce frequent face-to-face communication, teamwork, and accountability.
Within the realm of the agile method, there are other varieties of software development including Kanban and Scrum. You should choose between the methods depending on what kind of software that your team is working on at the time.
Inspired by the Toyota Production System and Lean Manufacturing, the Kanban method follows visual queues to frame the development processes. The processes are adjusted based on what to produce, when to produce, and how much to produce. Kanban promotes small scale changes to already implemented processes so that developers can overlay the method on top of established workflows.
As the Kanban blog explains: “Kanban is a technique for managing a software development process in a highly efficient way.”
One of the most popular frameworks for the Agile Method, Scrum manages complicated software development. The method follows a set of rules that never change, including the roles of developers and the processes they use. These processes include “sprints.” Sprints are fixed-length iterations that usually span from one-two weeks. This structure allows for accountability, project visibility, and flexibility.
Both Kanban and Scrum help to simplify difficult developmental processes by breaking them down into smaller, more comprehensible parts. But, each method has its positives and negatives.
Scrum is more rigid than Kanban. Scrum requires teams to adopt a completely new way of developing software. Everyone will have to learn about the ceremonies, specific roles, and the iterations. Whereas with Kanban, teams will more or less be able to follow the same framework they are accustomed to.
When it comes down to it, there is no real winner in the fight Kanban versus Scrum. It all depends on your team and the project you’re working on. Both methods are efficient and successful and it should be up to you to decide which you enjoy implementing more.
At Number8, we all work to stay on top of the latest news in software development. Because we follow the agile method, we deliver top quality products. To learn more about custom nearshoring solutions and staff augmentation give us a call today at 502-212-0978 for help with your latest project!
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