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Going Back to the Office? Integrating you Dev Teams

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Effective management is necessary for the successful implementation of IT projects. This is more true when managing different teams located in different locations.

By knowing how to integrate remote teams, you can maximize everyone’s skills. You’ll be able to get everyone focused on your projects. You can also guide them through the various challenges of virtual working.

Wondering what it will look like to integrate remote work when the on-site teams start back? Check out our article for help.

Have a Backup of Top Talent

Technology is indispensable. So, every organization has to figure out how to avoid its disruptions. Technology evolves fast and no company is immune from its radical changes.

Businesses that resist change or don’t prepare against it are highly prone to disruption. Businesses that gather top talent and resources often survive the wave of change.

Yet, a persistent problem for many industries is a shortage of IT talent. Talent shortage is the top emerging risk facing entire organizations.

Any IT manager looking to integrate remote work into their project needs to consider staff augmentation. This ensures that you always have access to skilled IT talent needed for efficiency.

Your vendor conducts the recruitment and training of nearshore developer teams. You also access skilled nearshore consultants who support your teams for agility.

Hire the Right On-Site Team

Staff augmentation alone isn’t enough when you want to integrate remote work. A big part of success involves having the right staff across the board. Make sure your on-site and remote teams have what it takes to deliver your objectives.

Nearshore developers should have the right attitude, skills and mindset to propagate the vision. Take part in the hiring process to ensure you’re bringing in the right personalities and skills.

Explain to your recruiter what it is you expect from every candidate. Number8 staff augmentation experts can also link you with the right talent.

The right talent becomes more critical as you pump in more money to digitize your business. Mckinsey says the top talent can be three times more productive than average talent. Acquiring the top talent can yield higher returns by accelerating results by up to 30%.

Clarify Project Expectations

As an IT manager, you already have a lot of work on your plate. Besides your everyday tasks, you’re also responsible for team performance. And if you’re managing different teams, it gets even more complicated.

How do you set yourself for success if you’re in a challenging situation of managing different teams? Management is a bit easier when you set clear work expectations and remote teams can predict your approach.

Share the project vision with the various teams. Explain the project’s mission, goals and how it helps your target customer. That way, you make your team feel part of the project.

Be detailed when communicating or capturing every project detail to prevent communication gaps. Ask questions to confirm if everyone captured your exact instructions.

Also, set clear expectations on communication systems such as:

  • 1. Project deadlines
  • 2. Scheduled meetings
  • 3. Work hours
  • 4. Performance objectives

Let everyone know they’re free to contact management for guidance anytime. Also, keep an eye on different teams to ensure they’re sharing information smoothly.

Encourage Face to Face Meetings

Virtual meetings often result in weaker relationships because they lack human connection. Challenges like network issues, accents, concentration also erode the quality of virtual information.

Part of effective management is having one-on-one, face-to-face meetings with your team. Human beings thrive through intimate interactions. Face-to-face meetings are a great way to boost personal interactions.

In this case, face-to-face is a great way to integrate remote work. You can take a short trip to meet your remote teams in person. Also, plan for office meetings to ease interactions and support their innate need for in-person interactions.

The nearshoring model is the key to ensure your team interacts with the on-site IT team. It brings along proximity and cultural similarities that your teams can cope with. Find out how to start building your Nearshore developer teams.

Trust Remote and Nearshore Developer Teams

Developing trustful relationships contributes a lot to the successful integration of remote work. Trust can make remote teams feel motivated, energetic and more satisfied at work. High trust organizations have a 286% higher profitability than low trust organizations.

Foster unity in remote teams to encourage optimal performance. When people feel part of a team and rely on each other, they develop a sense of trust. Figure out the strengths of individuals so everyone contributes to the execution of projects.

Maintain transparent communication among team members to encourage trust and prevent any sidelining. Encourage both individual and group chats or interactions to boost participation and “inclusivity.”

Provide Honest & Constant Feedback

Feedback is a critical component of effective management. Feedback clarifies expectations, encourages positive corrections and boosts confidence.

Giving feedback can inspire your teams to boost performance and increase their engagement. 69% of employees say they would work harder if their performance is recognized. Employees who don’t receive feedback tend to lose interest in their jobs.

Feedback helps when you want to integrate remote workers and ensure your projects follow a linear workflow. It acts as a basis for improvement. It allows various teams insight into their progress and provides performance benchmarks.

Invest in Meeting Tools and Remote IT Technology

You need the right tools and technology to stay in touch with remote teams. The right tools can enhance collaboration, communication, monitoring and efficiency.

For effective management, every IT manager should have:

  1. Web and video conferencing tools: Microsoft Teams, Zoom, Zoom Remotely, GotoMeeting or CiscoWebex.
  2. Project management tools:Trello, Asana, Kanban, Monday or Kissflow
  3. Chat tools: Chanty, Slack, Skype, Google Hangouts or Twist
  4. Workout Automation: Zapier, Microsoft Flow, Monday or Favro

The right IT support is necessary to ensure remote teams deliver on their tasks. Systems and security protocols can ease access to corporate information and databases. You need to create virtual private networks and extend IT support to remote workers.

Start Integrated Remote Work Teams Today

Knowing how to integrate remote teams is today a core part of effective management. Ensuring that your teams collaborate effectively assures better performance from everyone. Give your remote teams expert support to lower their chances of failure.

If you’d like to find out how we can help you develop your software for smoother team management, Contact Us today.

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