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Five Questions to Ask Before Hiring Offshore Developers

Hiring Offshore Developers? Here are 5 Questions to Ask!   1. Is Customer Support Available? Good customer support is crucial when you make the business decision and start hiring offshore developers. Be sure to ask if the team of offshore developers offers customer support and if it is available 24/7. This is especially important if […]

Why Your Startup Can’t Afford Not to Outsource

For startups, time is of the essence. To be successful, a startup must be able to grow quickly and also efficiently. This can become difficult because it contradicts another key element of startups, they are typically very small. A startup first begins with an idea, and often that idea comes from just a single person. […]

8 Benefits of Outsourcing That You May Not Already Know

Summary: Many companies decide to outsource their software development for the sole purpose of saving money. While cost efficiency is valuable, there are benefits of outsourcing to consider. The 8 Biggest Benefits to IT Outsourcing 1. You get to focus on the big picture For small companies it can be difficult to balance many different day-to-day […]

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