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What To Look For In An Experienced Software Developer

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Software engineering is without a doubt is one of the most in-demand careers in the current digital world. True, this technical but fun talent literary drives the world today.

Even so, not all software developers are created equal. There is a specific group that is talented enough to push your company to great lengths.

With that in mind—how do you identify an experienced and very talented software engineer in an interview?

Say, for instance, you are working in a company that receives hundreds of unsolicited recruiters every year. Well, all you need to have is an agile methodology to help you pick the right software developer.

We have prepared a detailed insight into some of the critical things you need to put into consideration when in search of the elite few to help you make the right selection.

Let’s dive in!

They Should Understand the Metrics and Goals of Your Business

This is perhaps the best thing about hiring an experienced software developer. Most experienced engineers spend a considerable amount of their time improving their software.

Although their changes might seem like they can’t make the slightest difference in your project, they are critical. In other words, you can call it product awareness.

They are aware that your company exists for a reason and have a feel of what you want or matters to you and what doesn’t to your client.

Their product awareness makes them the perfect employees to control the performance of your brand in the digital world.

They Should Communicate Their Ideas Effectively

One of the most challenging things about software engineers is social networking. They find it hard to communicate with their fellow human beings because they use codes or sophisticated digital language.

This makes them a poor option, especially if you are looking for a culture-fit candidate.

Great software developers should be able to communicate effectively and without difficulties. Typically, the first thing that will come to your mind when we talk of a software engineer is an isolated professional that works better alone.

Although this is true, you should consider hiring software developers with strong communication skills.

Critical Thinking Skills

When we talk of software engineering, it is nothing but a pile of problems waiting to be solved. For this reason, a great software developer should have critical thinking skills.

They should be able to analyze problems and solve them in the shortest time.

Collaboration Skills

This is yet another critical skill you should look for in a skilled software developer. They should be able to communicate, explain, clarify, or persuade your clients without breaking a sweat.

It is critical in ensuring that there is seamless communication among customers and colleagues.

Leadership Skills

There are instances when a software developer has new software that—with its true nature—can change the way things are done in real life.

Yet, they lack the required execution skills to lead from the front and push the idea to implementation.

This skill is fundamental and is only possessed by the very best software engineers/programmers.

To sum up, great software developers build cool things that are well-built. They help users to interact, learn, and improve their day-to-day livelihood.

Software Developer Should Be Knowledgeable

Of course, a great software engineer should have the required technical skills to solve problems. They should be capable of developing new software and meeting the ever-growing demand.

Regardless, that does not mean that they should know every programming language; end-to-end knowledge is enough.

Notably, a knowledgeable software developer should not only be knowledgeable about the company’s software but should also independently jump in and solve problems in any phase of app development when needed.

It is important because their task is not only to make the desired code work but also to make the software—as a whole—and ensure that it operates at its top-notch condition.

They Should Have the Ability to Adapt, Learn, and Grow

According to a LinkedIn survey, software programmers are likely to spend a large percentage of their lives learning.

The study further reveals that 48% of software programmers reported recently learning new knowledge. Only 36% of other professionals reported the same.

Continuous development is not only good for the software but also for the engineer. Here are some of the key learning sources you should ask software engineers if they are aware of:

Bootcamps or Upskilling Programs

Any software developer will ascertain that the best place to learn specific skills such as artificial intelligence or data science is online boot camps.

They integrate programs that help them learn and update their skills—all without having to quit their jobs.

Coaching and Mentorships

The fact is, regardless of how motivated or strong-willed you might be, there are limits on how much you can learn on your own. However, with a good mentor, it is quite easy to become a great software developer.

If they don’t talk about their mentors, ensure you inquire or check their CV for referees.

Conferences and Seminars

The latest developments are often debated or presented in seminars and conferences. As a result, identify the most relevant industry events, and check whether the candidate has attended either of them.

Business Acumen

In software development, you don’t have to have an MBA to be an exceptional software engineer. Besides, you also don’t have to be good in business.

The ideal candidate should know their software’s functionality in the real world.

What’s more, if you are looking to apply as a software developer, you should have an interest in sales, marketing, and revenue collection of your company’s software.

Hire the Best Developer Today!

The problem with most recruiters today is that they don’t know what to look for while in search of an experienced software developer. However, if you integrate an agile methodology of recruitment, it is possible to make the right choice.

Ensure you put the above factors into consideration while searching for the ideal software engineer. There is no doubt that your success will be inevitable.

Looking to hire a software developer? Contact us today and let us work on ensuring that you get the best out of your business.

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