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The Top 5 Books On Embracing The Agile Mindset & Method

The Top 5 Books On Embracing The Agile Mindset & Method

Summary: Ready to start transitioning to an agile development methodology, but not sure where to start? Discover number8’s top 5 books on agile and get started on your transition today!

In the spirit of learning something new, we thought we’d share our favorite agile reads! In no particular order, these books are chalked full of professional insights on how to embrace the agile mindset and workflow in order to reap the benefits of a fully agile organization.

Top 5 Books on Embracing the Agile Mindset and Method

1. Doing Agile Right: Transformation Without Chaos

agile method

While many businesses aspire to operate in an agile manner, the reality of their day to day work often flies in the face of this goal. In Doing Agile Right, authors Rigby, Elk and Berez are keen to dismiss the popular misconception that the agile method can be a quick cure for all.

Instead they argue that the key to success is balance, stating that “Agile has the power to transform work–but only if it’s implemented the right way.” Included in their road map to success is the importance of understanding the method fully and applying the agile principles at scale.

2. The Agile Enterprise: Building and Running Agile Organizations

Cover of the ebook by Mario E. Moreira. The Agile Enterprise. Building and Running Agile Organizations.

Mario Moreira’s The Agile Enterprise offers practical ways to implement agile methods at every stage of business, from innovation to delivery. As an experienced agile coach, Moreira demonstrates how to adapt to micro changes in the market, arguing that in order to be truly successful, every employee must operate from an agile mindset and be focused on meeting the needs of the customer.

3. Agile Transformation: Structures, Processes and Mindsets for the Digital Age

agile mindset

In today’s digitally driven world, Neil Perkin’s Agile Transformation illustrates just how the traditional structures of the past no longer fit the current rate of change. New operating models must be embraced, and Perkin’s encourages business leaders to think big but start small. This deeply insightful read includes case studies from disruptive tech companies like Amazon and Netflix and proposes that going agile is not an excuse to fail to plan.

4. Scrum: The Art of Doing Twice the Work in Half the Time


Those familiar with the agile manifesto will surely recognize Jeff Sutherland for his efforts in helping to cultivate it. He is also responsible for building the first scrum team and fathering the movement that drives most of the world’s top tech companies. All that aside, who couldn’t benefit from being more efficient in all areas of their life? In this book, Sutherland sets out to solve our dysfunctional way of operating and offers solutions to increase productivity as much as 1200%.

5. Scrum Mastery: From Good To Great Servant-Leadership

scrum leader

In Scrum Mastery, Geoff Watts draws from his vault of knowledge and decade long experience coaching scrum teams to offer valuable leadership skills for those looking to increase the performance of their team. Watts philosophy to leadership stems from that of a servant-leadership model in which the primary goal of the leader is to serve and therefore enable their team. By embodying the principles of a servant-leadership role, Watts outlines how one can better foster creative collaboration and generate long lasting engagement.

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