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The Tech Talent You Need Isn’t Always Local

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The tech talent you’re looking for is out there, it just might not be local. If your company is searching for top tech talent or wondering if there are more efficient ways to find it, we are here to help. Whether you are looking for software developers or IT specialists, nearshore outsourcing eliminates the boundaries that typically come with finding the perfect candidate.

Tech Talent Shortage

Today, the demand for technical talent is never-ending. The digital economy is thriving, and software developers are needed to build the software that will power it. There are simply not enough developers to keep up with rising demands or fill available tech jobs, and hiring managers are being forced to find new ways to source and retain qualified candidates. 

According to research, only 29% of IT workers intend to stay with their current employers. The best way to attract talented people and keep current employees happy is to know what they want and find a way to meet their needs. 

Remote Work

Working remotely has become the new norm in 2023, and as the norms change, we must as well. Regarding tech, most companies offer some form of remote work options today, and 60% of tech employees say they desire the option to work fully remotely. Offering the opportunity to work from home is a great way for tech companies to dodge the tech talent shortage and retain top talent. 

Work-Life Balance

Most people will agree that the best jobs are the ones that encourage a healthy work-life balance. In 2023, people will are less tolerant of long hours in the office that impact their home life and leave them feeling burnt out. Encouraging your team to have a positive work-life balance has been shown to contribute to better physical and mental health. Plus, recent studies have found that 87% of remote workers are more productive and efficient compared to workers in more traditional settings. 

Widen Your Candidate Pool

Becoming a diverse and inclusive company generates a wealth of benefits for everyone involved by creating a more fair and equal workplace and, in turn, world. Now more than ever, companies are focused on ensuring all candidates have equal opportunities. Prioritizing inclusivity and diversity during the hiring process is an imperative piece of the talent equation. All employers should find ways to diversify their talent. Recruiting talent that comes from different geographical locations, ethnicities, genders, socio-economic backgrounds, and religions will bring new and necessary viewpoints into your company. 

Gain Access to Global Talent

One way to diversify your team and widen your candidate pool is to consider hiring remote employees through outsourcing. Outsourcing is an incredible way to discover the talent that you may have never come across before through a traditional hiring process. When you look beyond the applicants close to you, you gain access to a potentially global pool of professionals who can exceed in their role from anywhere in the world. 

Cutting Edge

In the tech world, it is always important to stay forward-thinking. Companies must fight to stay ahead of the game in today’s competitive technological community. Remote hiring offers a cutting edge. With a global talent pool comes a wide set of technical skills. Additionally, qualified talent is attracted to the appeal and flexibility that remote work allows for. 

Nearshore Outsourcing

Nearshore outsourcing is a solution to the tech talent shortage that is gaining rapid popularity. Nearshoring is when an organization works with remote developers located in a country close to their organization. In the United States, this typically includes countries in Latin America and Canada. Latin America is often preferred over Canada for companies based in the United States due to the lower costs and larger talent pools. However, the largest benefit of nearshore development is the all-day collaboration that comes with aligned time-zones. 

number8 launched in 2008 when our founder saw how difficult it was to adopt an agile methodology while working with a traditional offshore partner. It has since been our mission to provide cost-effective outsourcing options to agile companies.


If you are considering outsourcing, you should consider working with number8. Working with a nearshore firm helps organizations avoid the communication and time-zone barriers associated with outsourcing to far-away locations. It also costs significantly less than working with U.S.-based onshore teams and gives your organization access to an unlimited pool of talented IT professionals. 

Ultimately, nearshore development offers you the perfect balance of top talent, daily collaboration, and cost-savings. Additionally, number8’s approach ensures we’re able to recruit the top talent in the region without the high employee turnover commonly associated with outsourcing.

Are you ready to start recruiting the best tech talent? Get in touch with number8 today. 


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