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Team Member Spotlight: Meet Juan Rivas — Account Manager

Join us in celebrating Juan Rivas, an outstanding Account Manager at number8, who has been instrumental in strengthening client relationships and driving project success. With a proactive approach and a knack for problem-solving, Juan’s contributions are invaluable to our team and clients. Since joining number8 in November 2021, Juan has focused on preventing issues before […]

Team Member Spotlight: Meet Kate— Manager of Strategic Partnerships

Join us in celebrating Kate Alexander, Manager of Strategic Partnerships—a visionary leader, compassionate mentor, and guiding light in an ever-evolving industry. With over 17 years of diverse experience in the industry, Kate’s journey is a testament to her professional prowess and profound impact on the people around her. Since joining number8 in March 2019, Kate […]

Team Member Spotlight: Meet Monica— Our Account Manager

At number 8, we cherish the wealth of skills and diverse experiences each team member brings to the table. Today, we are delighted to spotlight the amazing Monica Lopez, our Account Manager. Getting to Know Monica: When did you start working for number8?I joined number8 in August 2019. What do you do at number8?In my […]

How to Identify a Team Player for Your IT Department

Everyone is familiar with the phrase “there is no ‘I’ in team” and the meaning behind it. We’re all taught from a young age that achieving a goal is much more probable when you work with others. This school of thought is usually applied to sports; however, teamwork is crucial if you want to succeed […]

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