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Team Member Spotlight: Meet Monica— Our Account Manager

Number8 Team Member Spotlight: Monica Lopez - Account Manager

At number 8, we cherish the wealth of skills and diverse experiences each team member brings to the table. Today, we are delighted to spotlight the amazing Monica Lopez, our Account Manager.

Getting to Know Monica:

When did you start working for number8?
I joined number8 in August 2019.

What do you do at number8?
In my role as Account Manager, my main responsibility is cultivating and maintaining strong relationships between number8 and our clients. I actively seek opportunities to add value to our consultants’ engagement. This involves a proactive approach to identifying potential issues and addressing them promptly, fostering an environment of seamless collaboration and mutual success. In addition to relationship management, I play a crucial role throughout the entire candidate interview process. Beyond merely facilitating interviews, I take on the responsibility of meticulously preparing candidates. This preparation goes above the conventional, involving a comprehensive grasp of our clients’ expectations and the details of their projects’ requirements. By doing so, my aim is not only to maximize the chances of success for our candidates but also to add strategic value by aligning their skills and aspirations with the specific needs of our clients.

Have you had other jobs within the industry?
Yes, I have experience working as a Business Analyst and Project Manager for IT projects.

What is your latest accomplishment or proudest moment at number8?
When facing a challenging situation involving a consultant, I take a proactive approach by engaging with both the consultant and the client to thoroughly understand their concerns and expectations. By mediating discussions, understanding the concerns of both parties and proposing a solution that benefited everyone, I successfully played a role in resolving the issue. Through clear communication and collaborative efforts, I work with everyone involved in a resolution that not only addresses the consultant’s concerns but also reassures the client of our commitment to the engagement’s success. This experience not only strengthened our relationship with both the client and the consultant but also demonstrated the positive outcomes that result from a collaborative approach.

What is the most interesting project that you’ve ever been involved with in your job?
While I don’t work on a designated project, my daily focus revolves around developing strategies aimed at fostering growth within my accounts. Given the unique characteristics of each consultant and client, this requires analytical and problem-solving capabilities tailored to each individual situation.

What do you like most about your job?
I take pride in being an integral part of every facet of our company. In my role, I collaborate with all teams at number8, as well as our consultants and clients. My most gratifying aspect of the job is effectively contributing to problem resolution.

What do you like most about number8?
What I like most about number8 is our company culture, which is characterized by a significant level of trust among colleagues and teams. This is important to develop and maintain a positive, enjoyable, and collaborative working environment.

What 3 words would you use to describe what you do?
Relationship Building, Problem Solving, Client Satisfaction

What 3 words would you use to describe you?
Responsible, Trustworthy, Empathetic

What is your favorite thing to do outside of work?
My favorite thing to do outside of work is to go on road trips and spend time outdoors in nature with my dogs.

What is something about you that people (usually) do not know?
During my early years at the university, I pursued studies in architecture and urbanism. I was also a Girl Scout, and I love to play the piano sometimes.

Our Team Member Spotlight Series celebrates the incredible individuals at number8 who contribute to our success and unique culture. If Monica’s journey resonates with you and you’re interested in being part of our dynamic team, click here to explore available positions and hear from our consultants as to why number8 is such a great company. Stay tuned for more insights into the remarkable people who shape the heart and soul of number8!

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