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Team Member Spotlight: Meet Alexa— Our Team Manager & IT Project Manager

Number8 Team Member Spotlight: Alexa Nunez - Team Manager & IT Project Manager

At number8, we cherish the wealth of skills and diverse experiences each team member brings to the table. Today, we are delighted to shine a spotlight on Alexa Nunez, our Master Team Manager & IT Project Manager.

Getting to Know Alexa:

When did you start working for number8?
I joined number8 in April 2019.

What do you do at number8?
My role at number8 is two-fold. Firstly as a Team Manager (yet I rather call myself a servant leader) dedicated to empowering and guiding my team leads to excel in their roles. My relentless focus is on ensuring their progress not just as team leaders but also as consultants delivering exceptional value to our clients. I aim to support them with the tools and strategies they need to excel in their multifaceted roles. Simultaneously, I proudly serve as the face of number8 in a consulting capacity for one of our largest and long-standing clients. As their entrusted IT Project Manager, I plan and execute complex Digital Marketing web initiatives. It’s not just a role; it’s a commitment to excellence, where I leverage my expertise to drive success for both number8 and our valued client.

Have you had other jobs within the industry?
Yes, I have been in the IT industry since 2016 wearing hats as Product Owner, Scrum Master, Project Manager, Team Lead and Team Manager.

What is your latest accomplishment or proudest moment at number8?
One of my proudest moments at number8 was witnessing individuals from my teams ascend to the roles of team leads and tech leads within our client organizations. It’s immensely gratifying to observe how our interactions have significantly contributed to their professional growth, translating into tangible, positive outcomes for them. Witnessing this evolution has been a source of immense pride.

What do you like most about your job?
What I like the most about my job is having the opportunity to collaborate with individuals from diverse generations and cultures. It’s genuinely rewarding to see how the distinct qualities and uniqueness each person brings to the table can ultimately be transformed into tangible deliverables that significantly enhance the value we contribute to the number8.

What do you like most about number8?
Number8 has fostered my growth and provided the resources essential for my success. The company has offered me expansion opportunities and actively empowers me to thrive in my role.

What 3 words would you use to describe what you do?
Facilitator, Supportive, Strategic

What 3 words would you use to describe you?
Pragmatic, Collaborative, Proactive

What is your favorite thing to do outside of work?
Planning trips / traveling

What is something about you that people (usually) do not know?
Most do not know that my initial ambition was to become a doctor, and I even enrolled in school to pursue that path. However, life took unexpected turns, leading me to take a job in an IT company. Surprisingly, I discovered a profound passion for the field, prompting a career change. Reflecting on my journey, I now find it hard to comprehend why I once aspired to be a doctor, as I wouldn’t trade my current role in IT for anything else.

Our Team Member Spotlight Series celebrates the incredible individuals at number8 who contribute to our success and unique culture. If Alexa’s journey at number8 resonates with you and you’re interested in being part of our dynamic team, click here to explore available position and hear from our consultants as to why number8 is such a great company! Stay tuned for more insights into the remarkable people who shape the heart and soul of number8!

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