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.NET Core vs .NET Framework: Migrated Yet? Here’s Why You Should

Summary: Why should you upgrade from .NET to .NET Core? In this article, we explain why .NET Core is the future, plus how you can start migrating now. ​   Microsoft created the .NET framework exclusively with the PC in mind. Since 2002, the Windows-based platform has helped developers create countless applications ranging from mobile […]

Assessing Development Candidates: Choosing the Right Warriors

Summary: number8 Team Manager, Stuart Matamoros, shares his tips on assessing development candidates and choosing the right warriors for your development teams. Many software development team managers struggle with assessing development candidates during the recruitment process. It’s important within these interviews to stay focused on the number one goal, finding a peer that will help […]

.NET Core or Java? Choosing the Right Technology Stack

Summary: There’s a lot to consider when choosing a technology stack for your organization. This article won’t cover everything, but it will help you answer one of the biggest questions: Will .NET Core or Java cost more? The Open-Source History of .NET Core and Java A lot of free products and frameworks were built using […]

6 Facts About the Cloud Computing Industry You Might Not Know

Summary: Learn about the cloud computing industry and how new developments are changing how companies do business. ​ For those of you still wondering what the cloud is exactly, think of it as a metaphor for the Internet. Cloud computing is simply a way of storing and accessing files online. One’s cloud can be accessed […]

Tools for Transitioning to a Remote Workspace

In recent months, many companies have moved from the office to working from home. Working remotely can be great, but it’s important to be aware of how to create a remote workspace conducive to productivity. When we work from home we have many distractions that weren’t present in the office. Distractions from your day to […]

The Benefits of Cloud-Based Integration

Leveraging the cloud for various computing needs of an organization such as memory, data storage, and processing offers numerous benefits to businesses of all shapes and sizes. Cloud-based integration adds flexibility, scalability, and efficiency to any company’s day to day business workings while reducing cost and risk. At its core, the cloud integration process centers […]

Do’s and Don’ts for Virtual Meetings

The COVID-19 outbreak has impacted every business in the world in one way or another other. While people practice social distancing, many businesses are encouraging or even making work-from-home mandatory for their employees. This has led to an exponential rise in the use of various digital systems and tools, including video conferencing for virtual meetings. […]

How To Increase Your Tech Team’s Off-Site Productivity

Many IT companies have started to allow employees to telecommute on a part-time or full-time basis. People can work from home, cafes, or even parks instead of commuting to work every day. While this has several advantages, it can also hamper a team’s productivity if it isn’t handled correctly. There are several ways to help […]

Distributed Teams: What You Need to Know

Distributed teams have been commonplace in many industries for years. With the recent uncertainties faced by companies in the face of the coronavirus outbreak, remote work has become a necessary adaptation for even more organizations. As many teams adapt to a distributed model in the short term, it’s helpful to consider some of the pluses […]

3 Tips For Conducting Remote Job Interviews

Conducting a remote interview can require a bit of an adjustment if you haven’t done one before. There are a few guidelines you can follow that will help you streamline the process and get the most out of your interview. Here are 3 tips for conducting a remote job interview. Choose the Right Technical Setup […]

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