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Facts About Data Security You Should Know

As a result of increased data collection and data sharing by government institutions and companies, cyber threats have now become widespread and incredibly challenging to handle. Irrespective of the nature of your personal or business records, you can now quickly become a target of a hacker set on destroying your business. Here are a few […]

Software Development QA Testing

Quality Assurance (QA) is an essential aspect of the software development process. Experienced professionals carefully comb through every feature, addition, and component of a software program or application to determine if it lives up to their standards. In this highly competitive world, companies can’t afford to put out lackluster products. QA Testing is especially crucial […]

5 Principles of UX Design Everyone In Tech Should Know

User Experience (UX) is the most crucial factor to consider while designing a new product. UX dictates how people interact with a product or service, how pleasant their overall experience is, and their journey while looking for solutions. Modern customers are very sophisticated, picky, and willing to discard any product or service that doesn’t offer […]

7 Tips to Position Fast Growing Gazelle Companies for Success

Summary: Gazelle companies are known for growing quickly. With quick growth comes common mistakes. Learn about the 7 mistakes gazelle companies should avoid. ​ Just like a herd of gazelles moves quickly over the Savannah, gazelle companies grow swiftly over a short period of time. Simply, a gazelle company is businesses that “double its revenues […]

8 Traits of a Skilled Project Manager

Summary: Whether you’re searching for a good candidate or looking to become a skilled project manager yourself, here are some important traits to hone in on.  A project manager’s job entails moving a project from conception to completion all the while ensuring a client’s needs and wants are being met and that the team is reaching […]

5 Questions To Ask Before Starting the Software Development Process

Summary: Asking the right stakeholder questions can help you understand their priorities and plan the development process accordingly. In this article we’ll introduce you to 5 questions that need to be asked during Sprint 0. ​   Software development is an intricate process that requires skill, planning and team effort. There are always stakeholders involved […]

5 Benefits of Stakeholder Interviews

Summary: It’s important to take time during the planning stages of a project to check in with the project’s stakeholders. These key stakeholder interviews will provide you with the guidance needed to deliver a product that not only meets but exceeds expectations. In this article, we’ll highlight the top 5 benefits of interviewing stakeholders prior […]

“Automated QA: Save time, use a web calendar handler!”

Number8’s very own Derick Arzu was recently published on Medium. Read the article on automated QA processes below. Text boxes, check boxes, radio buttons, and other elements of forms are fairly simple to deal with when it comes to developing UI functional tests for a web application. But what happens when you want to write […]

Q & A Best Practices

On top of delivering a project on time and within budget, developers must test for quality assurance upon completion to ensure stakeholders’ expectations have been met. However, testing for quality after a product is built, usually results in far too little, too late. The agile model of software development encourages practicing quality assurance throughout every […]

Working Remotely? Try These 3 Things To Cultivate Work Community

Working remotely can present many challenges, everything from resisting the urge to fire up a movie and veg out, to feeling that creeping sense of isolation that comes from sitting alone behind the screen. As a company who promotes remote work opportunities, we’ve identified several ways to cultivate a thriving work community. Below are three […]

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