From the Blog

10 Benefits of Hiring Nearshore Software Developers

If your technology company is growing faster than those you have on deck can handle, chances are you are considering offshore development to help with the workload. Finding offshore talent allows you to hire skilled developers that can handle the nitty gritty aspects of projects so you and your team can focus on the big […]

Outsourcing Software Development? 5 Mistakes to Avoid

In order to keep up with rapid growth, startup web companies often turn to outsourcing software development in order to stay on track and meet project deadlines. Outsourcing the nitty-gritty details allows companies to focus on the big picture while also ensuring the product is ready for market. As common as outsourcing software development is, […]

Explaining the Agile Process and the Transition to an Agile Scrum Environment

Making the move from waterfall to an agile scrum development environment can be a big move, but for many software teams, it’s definitely worth the transition. When you work in an environment that utilizes the scrum methodology, it’s likely this organization values open communication, collaboration and efficiency. While we’ve already explored the basics of agile scrum […]

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Hiring Offshore Software Developers

Expanding your dev team to include offshore software developers? Don’t make these common mistakes. There are so many advantages to outsourcing your software development to offshore software developers. Managers are able to find highly qualified professionals to fill in the gaps where they need while keeping development costs down. Project managers are then allowed to […]

Benefits of Hiring Software Developers in Central America

When some people hear the term “outsourcing,” they get a negative association. For a while, the word became synonymous with the removal of jobs or even entire businesses from the area. However in today’s software development market, that’s pretty far from the truth. The reality is there is a huge job gap in the technology […]

Transitioning to Agile Software Development

  Business leaders are not usually concerned with the inner workings of their company’s software development– but should they be? According to the methodology of agile software development, there should be more interaction between managers and programmers.  When implemented correctly, agile development principles allow developers to stay flexible in order to build a quality project. […]

My Xamarin Experience

Different Options When developing software, whether it’s for a fun project or a formal business project, a requirement can be met by many different options and technologies. After a while of looking at many, it is natural to think which is the best option for the requirement. Let us consider the options for building a […]

Kanban Versus Scrum in Agile Software Development

There are always new and different ways of software development. To stay relevant and efficient, it’s important for software developers to be informed about all the different varieties. The Agile Method of software development is widely accepted across teams. However, there are different processes within the Agile Method that are more or less appropriate for […]

How IT Outsourcing Benefits Medical Facilities

Most all business can benefit from some amount of outsourcing. The medical field, however, is able to thrive much better with the assistance of outsourced software development and other IT services. In 2015, Black Book surveyed a wide range of executives in the medical field. A variety of people were represented, from hospital CIOs and […]

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