When some people hear the term “outsourcing,” they get a negative association. For a while, the word became synonymous with the removal of jobs or even entire businesses from the area. However in today’s software development market, that’s pretty far from the truth.
The reality is there is a huge job gap in the technology sector. By 2019, $500 billion of potential salaries will be lost as there are 1 million more computing jobs than students. So how does a growing business fill that gap?
Rather than taking jobs away, outsourcing is about establishing relationships in order to meet entity’s needs in the technological sector. In the United States, business leaders recruit offshore workers to contribute necessary man hours for crucial projects. In places like Central America, the increase in software developer positions available helps boost economies by providing jobs.
One of the benefits to hiring offshore software developers in Central America is the development of state-of-the-art IT and business hubs in cities like San José, Costa Rica. Countries like Costa Rica have favorable business policies as well as political stability that make it attractive for large enterprises.
Another reason American companies are turning to Central America for offshore software developers is the similarities between the countries’ cultures. Like the United States, Central America countries promote a culture of innovation. They embrace modern methodologies like agile software development that encourage people to play towards their strengths and harness problem-solving creativity.
Furthermore, the education system in Central American countries teach students English in the American dialect, which makes it easy for teams to communicate. Hiring offshore software developers from Central America also solves the time zone problem companies face when they hire offshore developers in Asia. Costa Rica, for example, is only 2 hours ahead of San Francisco.
At Number8, we tap into the abundance of technological talent in Central America to help fill the job gap in the tech sector. We help U.S. companies connect with offshore software developers that can help with processes and execution of projects. If you are interested in learning more about our offshore software developers or if you think you are qualified to Join Our Team, then give us a call at 502-212-0978.
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