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Software Developer Salary Trends 2022

Summary: This article covers software developer salary trends for 2021 compared to previous years, as well as wider industry trends. Use it to discover how much you can expect to pay for the best software developers for 2021 and beyond. While 2020 has brought a lot of uncertainty to many businesses and even brought some […]

Answers to Common Questions About Front-End JavaScript Frameworks

Summary: Deciding which front-end JavaScript framework is best for your next project? This article will help you understand the differences between common frameworks, Angular, Vue, and React and bring you one step closer to developing your next application.   We sat down with senior JavaScript developer, Pablo Palacios, to answer some of the most commonly […]

6 Facts About the Cloud Computing Industry You Might Not Know

Summary: Learn about the cloud computing industry and how new developments are changing how companies do business. ​ For those of you still wondering what the cloud is exactly, think of it as a metaphor for the Internet. Cloud computing is simply a way of storing and accessing files online. One’s cloud can be accessed […]

5 Myths of Working With an Offshore Development Team

Summary: Working with an offshore development team is becoming a popular alternative staffing solution in the software industry. Not only does it reduce operating costs, but it allows a company to build a team at their own pace. However, offshoring work comes with its fair share of misconceptions.​ Here are a few common myths about […]

Tools for Transitioning to a Remote Workspace

In recent months, many companies have moved from the office to working from home. Working remotely can be great, but it’s important to be aware of how to create a remote workspace conducive to productivity. When we work from home we have many distractions that weren’t present in the office. Distractions from your day to […]

Seven Reasons Why a Growth Mindset Is Better for Business

Many leading global corporations consider Growth Mindset as a defining leadership principle and a core skill that helps people adapt and succeed in increasingly disruptive times. Having a Growth Mindset is about staunchly believing that every failure is a learning opportunity and that it is possible to improve. The idea is to challenge oneself and […]

3 Tips For Conducting Remote Job Interviews

Conducting a remote interview can require a bit of an adjustment if you haven’t done one before. There are a few guidelines you can follow that will help you streamline the process and get the most out of your interview. Here are 3 tips for conducting a remote job interview. Choose the Right Technical Setup […]

How To Identify A Team Player During The Interview Process

Summary: Identifying a team player during an interview can be challenging. Here are some top interview tips to make sure you’re hiring the right person for your teams. Most products and business processes require employees to work in teams. Employees need to communicate well with others, collaborate on different tasks, and interact with different kinds […]

What They Don’t Teach You About Project Management

Project managers juggle several tasks at the same time. They communicate with all teams, make sure everyone is reaching their targets, keep an eye on the budget, and much more. While most project managers get project management training or formal education in the field, they learn several skills on the job through hands-on experience. Here’s […]

8 Traits Software Developers Tend To Share

People often wonder what makes a great software engineer. Although there are several opinions on this matter, the most typical qualities that software developers share are the ability to produce maintainable working software, staying on top of the latest technologies, and, most importantly, being a team player. Here are a few traits software developers tend […]

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