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Trends in IT Outsourcing: 2017 and Beyond

Last year introduced a wide range of technological growth as well as changes in the way we use technology. Why would 2017 be any different? Below we’ve outlined just a few of the new IT outsourcing trends that have started to emerge this year. Heightened Security Cyber security was a hot-button issue throughout 2016. It […]

Job Happiness & Why You Should Look Into Tech

It is a question often asked: are you happy at your job? Seems simple enough, yet job happiness is hard to define. From 2006-2012 Gallup World Polls collected data trying to understand how happy the world is. The World Happiness Report then pulled the data and created an in depth analysis of the current climate […]

Five Things to Know Before Hiring Offshore Developers

Hiring offshore developers to complete software development work for an onshore company is becoming more and more popular. Benefits include: you get to focus on the big picture of your company while someone else does the detail work, office-wide productivity is increased with fewer office distractions, and you are opened up to fresh ideas that […]

Five Questions to Ask Before Hiring Offshore Developers

Hiring Offshore Developers? Here are 5 Questions to Ask!   1. Is Customer Support Available? Good customer support is crucial when you make the business decision and start hiring offshore developers. Be sure to ask if the team of offshore developers offers customer support and if it is available 24/7. This is especially important if […]

Top 10 Tech Jobs in America for 2017 According to Glassdoor

Glassdoor, a job recruiting and employee-based review website, recently announced the 50 Best Jobs in the U.S. for 2017. Technology-based jobs dominate the list and especially the top 10 positions. The jobs are rated using the same system which Glassdoor deems “The Glassdoor Job Score”. Considerations include: job satisfaction rating, job openings, and average salary. […]

Why Your Startup Can’t Afford Not to Outsource

For startups, time is of the essence. To be successful, a startup must be able to grow quickly and also efficiently. This can become difficult because it contradicts another key element of startups, they are typically very small. A startup first begins with an idea, and often that idea comes from just a single person. […]

5 Non-Tech Related Questions To Ask When Applying For A Tech Job

The tech interview process is perhaps the most nerve-wracking part of searching for a new job. It can be an especially intimidating interaction when it comes to the tech community considering the highly specific skills required for most positions. However, the process does not have to be such a stressful one. With a little bit of […]

8 Benefits of Outsourcing That You May Not Already Know

Summary: Many companies decide to outsource their software development for the sole purpose of saving money. While cost efficiency is valuable, there are benefits of outsourcing to consider. The 8 Biggest Benefits to IT Outsourcing 1. You get to focus on the big picture For small companies it can be difficult to balance many different day-to-day […]

How to Identify a Team Player for Your IT Department

Everyone is familiar with the phrase “there is no ‘I’ in team” and the meaning behind it. We’re all taught from a young age that achieving a goal is much more probable when you work with others. This school of thought is usually applied to sports; however, teamwork is crucial if you want to succeed […]

Super Bowl Commercials: What They Teach Small Brands about Business

The biggest night in American football is coming up this Sunday, February 5th. The New England Patriots will take on the Atlanta Falcons in Houston, TX in the 51st Super Bowl. Football fans around the country look forward to this night all season long. However, not everyone who tunes into the game is interested in […]

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