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Transitioning to Agile Software Development

  Business leaders are not usually concerned with the inner workings of their company’s software development– but should they be? According to the methodology of agile software development, there should be more interaction between managers and programmers.  When implemented correctly, agile development principles allow developers to stay flexible in order to build a quality project. […]

Workplace Trends You’re Likely to See in 2018 and Beyond

2018 Workplace Trends The workplace is changing more rapidly than ever. In 2017 we’ve seen progress in narrowing the wage gap, a shift from offshore to nearshore outsourcing for agile software development, and the rise in popularity of nontraditional benefits. Things will undoubtedly continue to gain pace in 2018. Here are some of our predictions […]

Northern California Tech Companies Turn to Nearshoring

Northern California: A National Tech Hub The tech industry is one of the most important contributors to the Northern California economy. In order to continue developing high paying jobs, information and technology companies outsource operations to streamline processes and cut down on costs. Traditionally, Silicon Valley managers have looked to India for their outsourcing needs. […]

Increasing Productivity on a Software Development Team

Increasing Productivity Before the New Year As the year draws to a close, you may notice your software development team is lacking in productivity. You’re not alone. Managers from all types of sectors notice a dip in work rate as the holiday festivities approach. So how do you go about increasing productivity with a team […]

My Xamarin Experience

Different Options When developing software, whether it’s for a fun project or a formal business project, a requirement can be met by many different options and technologies. After a while of looking at many, it is natural to think which is the best option for the requirement. Let us consider the options for building a […]

Texas Businesses pick Nearshoring Over Offshoring

When it comes to meeting the United States’s demand for tech talent, the country comes up short. This presents a problem, especially for growing Texas tech companies. How do businesses fulfill the needs presented by growth when the manpower simply isn’t there? The answer is nearshore outsourcing. Many Texas tech companies choose nearshore outsourcing to […]

Remote IT Work – 10 Tips That Make It Easier

Working remotely is great. There’s a lot to love about remote IT work. It takes out the office politics completely and allows you to create your own schedule. It’s quicker to get stuff done without co-workers coming by to say hello whenever they please. If you want to stop by a cafe and work for […]

Kanban Versus Scrum in Agile Software Development

There are always new and different ways of software development. To stay relevant and efficient, it’s important for software developers to be informed about all the different varieties. The Agile Method of software development is widely accepted across teams. However, there are different processes within the Agile Method that are more or less appropriate for […]

Working Remotely: Five Tips to Make it Easier

According to a recent study conducted by Gallup, more employees are working remotely now than ever before. Out of 15,000 adults surveyed, over 40% said they spent time working from home. We also published a blog post last month “Remote Workers – How to Stay Engaged” that details the various changes occurring in our current […]

How IT Outsourcing Benefits Medical Facilities

Most all business can benefit from some amount of outsourcing. The medical field, however, is able to thrive much better with the assistance of outsourced software development and other IT services. In 2015, Black Book surveyed a wide range of executives in the medical field. A variety of people were represented, from hospital CIOs and […]

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