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Cloud Migration Planning Guide: 10 Things to Consider

Cloud computing has fostered business growth and agility in today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape. With more than 90% of organizations already using cloud services and business spending on cloud surpassing $1 million annually for over 80% of these businesses, the shift towards cloud environments is unmistakable. This guide provides the essential considerations any organization must […]

(eBook) When Agile Methodologies Meet Near-Shore Development

Our exclusive eBook, “When Agile Methodologies Meet Near-Shore Development,” is a comprehensive guide offering valuable insights, practical frameworks, and inspiring success stories to help you optimize your software development processes, reduce time-to-market, and drive business growth. Inside this eBook, you’ll discover: – The strategic advantages of agile methodologies – The benefits of nearshore development for […]

Optimizing In-house and Outsourced Software Development & Digital Engineering

In today’s competitive landscape, businesses relentlessly pursue innovation, exceptional product delivery, and market leadership. To navigate these challenges, it is crucial to utilize both in-house expertise and the strategic integration of outsourced software development, IT architecting, and digital engineering. The interplay between these elements is pivotal for unlocking innovation, accelerating business growth, and sustaining a […]

Alignment and Variance are Critical for Nearshoring in 2024

The talent shortage doesn’t seem to be going away anytime soon. “54% of global IT organizations reported that talent shortage was holding them back.” On December 22, 2023, Forbes reported, “More companies are embracing on-demand talent.” In fact, “90% of business leaders view (on-demand talent) as somewhat or very important to their competitive advantage.” As […]

The Agile Development Framework’s Advantage: Top 5 Benefits for Businesses

Welcome back to our Agile Framework Series, where we uncover the transformative power of Agile software development. In our previous posts, we delved deep into the core principles of Agile and how collaboration empowers our clients. Now, it’s time to shift our focus to what truly matters—how Agile can elevate your business. At number8, we’ve […]

How Agile Software Development & Collaboration Empowers Our Clients

At Number8, we don’t just build software; we empower our clients to transform their vision into reality. We’re not your average development partner. We’re thought leaders in the realm of Agile software development, where empowerment isn’t just a buzzword but the very essence of our mission. In this blog, we invite you to delve deeper […]

POV: Why Agile Software Development Matters to Us and Our Clients

In the fast-paced world of software development, agility is the name of the game. At number8, we understand that being agile is not just a methodology; it’s a commitment to delivering excellence to our clients. In this blog post, we’ll explore why agile software development matters to us and how it benefits both our team […]

Top Outsourcing Models and How to Pick the Best for Your Company

Summary: Outsourcing software development is a smart choice, but choosing the right outsourcing model is critical for success. Learn more about the top outsourcing models and how to make the right choice for your organization. Benefits of Outsourcing For Your Business Outsourcing software development is a business trend that continues to grow. Full-time employees are expensive […]

Staff Augmentation: An IT Outsourcing Solution for Enterprise Companies

Summary: Most enterprise-sized companies are outsourcing, but many have never considered a staff augmentation model. Learn how staff augmentation can help supplement existing teams and provide you with exceptional on-demand talent. Building a staff of talented IT professionals is not a short-term process. From hiring to onboarding to getting a new developer up-to-speed, managing an […]

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