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8 Traits Software Developers Tend To Share

People often wonder what makes a great software engineer. Although there are several opinions on this matter, the most typical qualities that software developers share are the ability to produce maintainable working software, staying on top of the latest technologies, and, most importantly, being a team player. Here are a few traits software developers tend […]

5 Team Building Exercises for Agile Developers

Summary: We’ve listed 5 team building exercises that you can do with on-site and remote workers to help build team trust and communication.  Team building gets a bad rap. While employers are open to implementing team building exercises into the workplace, they are often met with resistance. Employees sometimes see team building exercises as a […]

Software Development QA Testing

Quality Assurance (QA) is an essential aspect of the software development process. Experienced professionals carefully comb through every feature, addition, and component of a software program or application to determine if it lives up to their standards. In this highly competitive world, companies can’t afford to put out lackluster products. QA Testing is especially crucial […]

7 Things About Microsoft You Might Not Know

Microsoft is a tech giant and one of the most influential companies in the market. While competitors like Apple or Google may seem more popular, Microsoft continues to have a strong presence. It is the third-largest tech company in the world, just a couple of steps below Apple and a step over Google’s parent company […]

5 Principles of UX Design Everyone In Tech Should Know

User Experience (UX) is the most crucial factor to consider while designing a new product. UX dictates how people interact with a product or service, how pleasant their overall experience is, and their journey while looking for solutions. Modern customers are very sophisticated, picky, and willing to discard any product or service that doesn’t offer […]

The Top 5 Books On Embracing The Agile Mindset & Method

Summary: Ready to start transitioning to an agile development methodology, but not sure where to start? Discover number8’s top 5 books on agile and get started on your transition today! In the spirit of learning something new, we thought we’d share our favorite agile reads! In no particular order, these books are chalked full of […]

An Overview of AI – 2020 & Beyond

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is no longer a futuristic concept; it is a current reality. People use it every day to find information, automate processes, run complex calculations, and do much more. Because AI has such a significant influence on everyone’s life, it is a good idea to keep an eye on its progress. We’re expecting […]

7 Tips to Position Fast Growing Gazelle Companies for Success

Summary: Gazelle companies are known for growing quickly. With quick growth comes common mistakes. Learn about the 7 mistakes gazelle companies should avoid. ​ Just like a herd of gazelles moves quickly over the Savannah, gazelle companies grow swiftly over a short period of time. Simply, a gazelle company is businesses that “double its revenues […]

12 Questions To Ask Any Offshore Software Development Company

Summary: Offshore software development can be risky, but asking these 12 questions can help you find the right outsourcing partner for your company. ​ Your company is growing, but you may notice that the resources available are limited. Especially when it comes to development talent. In the United States, there is a shortage of software […]

8 Traits of a Skilled Project Manager

Summary: Whether you’re searching for a good candidate or looking to become a skilled project manager yourself, here are some important traits to hone in on.  A project manager’s job entails moving a project from conception to completion all the while ensuring a client’s needs and wants are being met and that the team is reaching […]

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