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.NET Core vs .NET Framework: Migrated Yet? Here’s Why You Should

Summary: Why should you upgrade from .NET to .NET Core? In this article, we explain why .NET Core is the future, plus how you can start migrating now. ​   Microsoft created the .NET framework exclusively with the PC in mind. Since 2002, the Windows-based platform has helped developers create countless applications ranging from mobile […]

Common Mistakes Agile Software Development Teams Make

Summary: Is your software team is considering transitioning to an agile development model? Before you do, read about these common agile mistakes to avoid. ​ Have you and your business decided to apply the agile method to your next project? There are several benefits to utilizing the agile methodology. But at the same time, it […]

Why and How to Outsource a QA Team

Summary: Are you looking for a cost-effective and secure solution to your quality assurance needs? If you don’t have an internal QA team, nearshore outsourcing can offer you the benefits of one at a fraction of the cost. Do you need a reliable way to ensure that you’re releasing a quality product? It may be […]

What is a “Gazelle” Company?

Summary: Gazelle company is a phrase often tossed around to describe profitable businesses. But what does this term actually mean? ​ What is a Gazelle Company? Likening companies to animals is not uncommon. Big businesses, like Wal-Mart, are often referred to as “elephants,” whereas small businesses or mom-and-pop shops are called “mice.” However, the term […]

Nearshore, Offshore, or Onshore?

Summary: Nearshore, offshore, or onshore, what’s the best choice when outsourcing software development? Learn about the pros and cons of each to help you decide. Outsourcing is a key piece of doing business in today’s global market. In fact, as an industry, outsourcing hit $92.5 billion in 2019 and continues to grow. Whether to cut […]

What is IT Staff Augmentation?

What is IT staff augmentation and how can it benefit your business? In this article, we explain the staff aug model and the difference between traditional outsourcing and staff aug within custom software development. IT staff augmentation is a model within outsourcing that allows organizations to augment their existing teams with the specific personnel they […]

Why U.S. Companies are Struggling to Hire Great IT Talent

Summary: U.S. companies are struggling hire, recruit, and retain experienced development talent. Discover why this crisis exists and a smart solution for companies open to remote work. In a tech-driven solutions market, attracting skilled candidates is essential to drive your business forward. And hiring experienced software developers remains the top concern for CIOs globally. While […]

Key Differences Between Frontend Frameworks: Angular & Vue

Summary: Do you find yourself in the process of deciding between Angular and Vue for your next web development project? This article will help you identify the key differences between the two popular frontend frameworks bringing you one step closer to sprint 0. Angular vs. Vue The amount of frontend frameworks available to developers has […]

Assessing Development Candidates: Choosing the Right Warriors

Summary: number8 Team Manager, Stuart Matamoros, shares his tips on assessing development candidates and choosing the right warriors for your development teams. Many software development team managers struggle with assessing development candidates during the recruitment process. It’s important within these interviews to stay focused on the number one goal, finding a peer that will help […]

.NET Core or Java? Choosing the Right Technology Stack

Summary: There’s a lot to consider when choosing a technology stack for your organization. This article won’t cover everything, but it will help you answer one of the biggest questions: Will .NET Core or Java cost more? The Open-Source History of .NET Core and Java A lot of free products and frameworks were built using […]

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