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Facts About Data Security You Should Know

As a result of increased data collection and data sharing by government institutions and companies, cyber threats have now become widespread and incredibly challenging to handle. Irrespective of the nature of your personal or business records, you can now quickly become a target of a hacker set on destroying your business. Here are a few […]

7 Things About Microsoft You Might Not Know

Microsoft is a tech giant and one of the most influential companies in the market. While competitors like Apple or Google may seem more popular, Microsoft continues to have a strong presence. It is the third-largest tech company in the world, just a couple of steps below Apple and a step over Google’s parent company […]

An Overview of AI – 2020 & Beyond

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is no longer a futuristic concept; it is a current reality. People use it every day to find information, automate processes, run complex calculations, and do much more. Because AI has such a significant influence on everyone’s life, it is a good idea to keep an eye on its progress. We’re expecting […]

“Automated QA: Save time, use a web calendar handler!”

Number8’s very own Derick Arzu was recently published on Medium. Read the article on automated QA processes below. Text boxes, check boxes, radio buttons, and other elements of forms are fairly simple to deal with when it comes to developing UI functional tests for a web application. But what happens when you want to write […]

Q & A Best Practices

On top of delivering a project on time and within budget, developers must test for quality assurance upon completion to ensure stakeholders’ expectations have been met. However, testing for quality after a product is built, usually results in far too little, too late. The agile model of software development encourages practicing quality assurance throughout every […]

7 Industries Making Remote Work Commonplace

Summary: With the help of cloud-based technology, remote work is easier. Check out the top 7 industries embracing this new kind of work culture. ​Originally published on Oct 17, 2019 updated April 27, 2022. With greater schedule flexibility, it’s no surprise the trend toward remote work is growing. What’s more, cloud-based technology has made working […]

The Best Cybersecurity Practices for Remote Employees

While some companies are becoming more and more open to the idea of remote employees, a lot of corporate companies still have reservations. When a company opens up to the idea of remote employees, a few things happen. People who are efficient in-house workers become interested in moving their work to a home office. And […]

What to Look For In a Nearshore Development Partnership

More and more throughout the United States, development work for web-based companies is moving out of the country. The reason that a company decides to look for offshore or nearshore developers is different from situation to situation. Some reasons for looking into nearshore outsourcing can include budget restrictions preventing the company from expanding in-house or […]

The Most Exciting & Innovative Tech Projects of 2019

Summary: With recent advancements in artificial intelligence, cutting edge security threats and more devices than ever connected to the Internet, 2018 proved to be a memorable year for the tech industry. Wondering what 2019 will bring?​ Top Picks for The Most Exciting 2019 Tech Projects   1. The First Flying Car Tech has certainly had […]

The Top 3 Locations for Outsourcing Software Development

Outsourcing software development has become an increasingly popular path for startups and small businesses alike. Instead of taking on the overhead of hiring employees in house, utilizing a remote workforce allows you to focus on your core business functions while growing at an affordable rate. When it comes to outsourcing, there are a myriad of […]

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