Tech Services Career Site Needs Strategic & Ongoing Staff Augmentation

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Career Site Giant Trusts number8 for Long-Term Staff Augmentation

Our client provides world-class end-to-end HR solutions. Their targeted products help employers find, hire, and onboard great talent and assist job-seekers with building new skills and creating progressive careers. As the largest provider of AI-powered hiring solutions in the world, they were struggling to find the technical experience they needed locally. Offshore vendors weren’t ideal, because the different time zones limited collaboration and agility.

The Challenge

In 2010, our client was struggling to find local development talent. They were willing to move toward distributed teams, but needed their developers on the same schedule. Most importantly, they needed talent that was able to deliver at the same level or higher as their internal team members. They considered a variety of options, but were most interested in long-term solutions that could continuously
help them scale quickly as gaps were identified.

Artistic illustration with 2 people discussing staffing along a big list of canditates

The Outcome

number8 quickly became a reliable resource for the client. At the height of this engagement, this client had over 25 number8 consultants within their development teams at one time. Our ability to retain our consultants has allowed us to keep a number8 within their development team for over 10 years, making us truly unlike any other staffing vendor option. In addition, we exhibited our consultants ability to adapt and grow even as the company adopted and implemented new technologies, which impacted the company’s perspective on remote development overall.


When we started with number8, we were facing a labor shortage that created a need within our organization to augment our teams with high quality staff members that worked in our timezone. number8 was extremely quick to find the right people for our teams. Over the years, our experience has shown us that number8 isn’t your typical contract scenario. We have number8 team members that have been with us for over 10 years. To us, their consultants are, for all intents and purposes, considered employees. In fact, several number8’s are in leadership roles because they grew to become the most trusted people within certain teams.

Eric Theobald headshot
Eric Theobald
Vice President Software Engineering & Talent Acquisition

At a Glance

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  • Staff Augmentation


  • Employment


  • .NET icon logo.NET
  • Angular JS icon logoAngular JS
  • AWS icon logoAWS
  • Java logo iconJava
  • Node JS icon logoNode JS
  • Ruby on Rails red icon logoRuby on Rails
  • Microsoft SQL Server icon logoSQL Server
  • Xamarin icon logoXamarin

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