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Why Your Startup Can’t Afford Not to Outsource

How Outsourcing Will Make Startups Successful

For startups, time is of the essence. To be successful, a startup must be able to grow quickly and also efficiently. This can become difficult because it contradicts another key element of startups, they are typically very small. A startup first begins with an idea, and often that idea comes from just a single person.

Expecting one person alone to carry their idea all the way through is unrealistic. No matter the manner of your new businesses, everyone could use a little help sometimes. That is where outsourcing comes in.

How Outsourcing Will Make Your Startup Successful

You have an idea. You know what you want that idea to grow into. And you know what kind of effect you want it to have. What you don’t know is how to connect all those lines of possibility. An outsourced team could help transform all of your ambition into action. They have experience taking broad concepts and breaking them down into a grounded framework that leads directly to positive outcomes.

Some of the most well-known businesses today got where they are now by utilizing the assistance of outsourced teams. Skype is now a staple among the video-chat and telecom technologies. In the early 2000s, founders Friis and Zennström reached out to teams in Estonia to help develop their product. According to Gigster, on release day in 2003, 10,000 people downloaded Skype, and by 2011 it was sold to Microsoft for over $8 billion. Without the help of outsourcing, who’s to say where Skype would be today.


Saving Time

In the competitive world of startups, time is irrevocably intertwined with money and outsourcing is a huge time saver. If there is ever an opportunity to conserve time and money in one then you should fully embrace it. It will cost less to use an outsourced team rather than hire on a group of full-time employees. It will also eliminate the training of those new employees. Outsourced employees already have the talent and ability to carry out the work that needs to be done to make your new business a success.

In an article describing various businesses who outsource, John Rampton of Entrepreneur said, “Low costs and knowledgeable talent means you can get infrastructure developed faster and your company launched sooner.” Often new ideas, especially within the tech industry, are extremely time-sensitive. You want to be the first to market before anyone else has the opportunity to develop the same, or similar, concept. There’s a much better chance your product will be polished enough to quickly release it to the public when you outsource work.


Accountability & Reliability

Outsourcing is helpful in terms of getting your new business started and running smoothly, but long term usage can also be extremely beneficial. When you use the help of an outsourced team at the beginning of your business, they will be well versed in the product and how to keep it working well and ways in which to improve it. This is a team already familiar with the processes and methods that your business uses and could be of great assistance in maintaining its success.

Here at number8 we understand the needs of new businesses and the many benefits of partnering with outsourced teams. Read more about us and the services we offer here, or give us a call at 502-212-0978.

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