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Northern California Companies Save Time & Money Augmenting Software Teams With Nearshore Tech Talent

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The outlook for the California economy going into the future is looking bright. Job growth is up and much of it has to do with the booming tech hubs in Northern California. People are branching out on their own to realize their visions and disrupt industries. To help with augmenting software teams, startups typically looked towards Asian countries like India or The Philippines to find deveopers. However, the myriad of issues with offshore talent has some business leaders looking toward another solution: nearshore development.

Nearshore development combines the cost-efficiency of outsourcing with the unique benefits of working with talent nearer to the home office. Your company ends up saving both time and money so you can get your product on the market.

Saving Time with Augmenting Software Teams

Time is money, right? So why would you waste that time working with a software development team on a completely different schedule?

The farther your developers are, the greater the differences in time zone, language, and culture. You’ll find that these differentials can severely affect your project. Nearshore outsourcing talent in areas like Latin America helps bridge this gap. They are on a similar–if not the same– schedule as the home office team. They also have more similar, new world cultures and learn American English. Because of this, cooperation between in-house workers and nearshore developers is better. Goals are better understood and communication is easier.

Saving Money on Augmenting Software Teams

It may seem counter intuitive that nearshore outsourcing your augmenting software teams will save you money. After all, if you look at offshore outsourcing, the sticker price is generally lower. However, when you invest a little more up front in skilled talent, you save more money in the long run. Much of this has to do with saving time (see above). However, you will also save money on development costs as the high tier talent found with nearshoring can produce a more comprehensive product that requires less maintenance with agile software development.

At Number8, we help companies in Northern California and beyond find quality talent for augmenting software teams. Our nearshore developers understand agile software development so you can produce a better product and reach your company’s goals. If you’re interested in learning more about Number8 and what we do, give us a call at 502-212-0978, or check out our information page here!

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