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Reduce Job Stress With These Tips

Reduce Job Stress with These Tips

No matter how much anyone loves their job, they will still have to deal with stress. Some occupations may entail more stressful situations more frequently, however everyone can benefit from learning coping methods. In the tech industry, stress often results from spending a significant amount of time in front of a computer, without enough fresh air and exercise. It can also be difficult to ever really “clock out” when your work can be done from almost any location. Here at Number8, we want to promote a healthy, and stress-free work environment. Below, we’ve compiled a few helpful tips that we use for reducing job stress.

Schedule for energy and focus

Begin each day with a plan. Be realistic and schedule for breaks. If you manage your expectations for productivity, then you’ll avoid getting overwhelmed by tasks. Be prepared for spur of the moment assignments that may have to jump up to the top of your priority list. Allow for flexibility, but don’t let those impromptu tasks take over. Stay focused on the projects that need the most attention.

Sleep well and eat right

Getting enough sleep, and developing a healthy diet is easier said than done. But getting into the habit can benefit your life in many ways. Being well-rested will allow you to take on challenges with a clear head. It can help prevent negative affect, and instead provide you with a more positive mindset which aids in the prevention of stress. A good diet will give you the energy necessary to a a productive, and stress-free day. Some quick fixes include limiting the amount of caffeine you consume, and instead focusing on drinking plenty of water.

Take time to relax

Depending on the workplace, it may be difficult to take time out of the day to get outside. So, instead work on developing some daily practices to help keep nerves calm, and avoid getting too stressed. Breathing exercises work great and don’t require leaving the office. Stretching at your desk, or even taking the time to get up and walk around every hour or so can greatly benefit your overall health and also your work ethic.  

Establish boundaries

With smartphones, now more than ever it is almost impossible to be unavailable. Even days off aren’t really days off. To help reduce the stress of always being on call, work with your peers and managers to establish boundaries. Let them know when you can be reached outside of the office, but also when you can’t. Its extremely valuable to draw lines between your work life and your personal life. If you don’t make these boundaries clear, you could end up resenting your job for following you wherever you go.

Avoid interruptions

Be present while you’re at work. Unless absolutely necessary, avoid keeping your phone close by. A text from a friend, or a news notification can quickly derail your focus and make it increasingly difficult to get back on task. It is also important to avoid multitasking. Try to follow your plan and stick to it without doubling up. If you divide your attention to multiple projects at the same time, none of them will be receiving your full effort. Each project should be treated with the same amount of integrity as the next.

Our employees at Number8 follow these tips to help reduce stress and maintain focus to deliver the best possible services. If you’re looking for motivated, and stress-free employees to help with a project, give us a call at 502-212-0978 or send us an email through our Contact page.


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